BLMF is funded through public and private donations. Every dollar goes directly to costs since we’re entirely volunteer-run. Help us create a more vibrant community centered around live music performance, right here in Bastrop.

Your donations allow us to host large scale outdoor concerts, intimate acoustic shows, music in the parks, songwriter showcases, house concerts, workshops, and music education programs for kids and adults. These funds also ensure that musicians are paid a fair wage for the beauty and joy that their performances bring to Bastrop.

Thank you for your support!

Support our work!

Your donations make our work possible!


Fund a sound expert for an upcoming live music event

Fund a sound engineer


Fund a musician’s performance for a Songwriters Showcase or In-Store at Astro Records event

Fund a performance


Sponsor a year of individual music education and mentorship for a talented local music student through the Bastrop Young Musicians Program

Fund a Student

More ways to donate…

  • Donate with Venmo

    Please direct donations to @bastroplivemusicfoundation

    Thank you so much!

    P.S. To receive a receipt for tax purposes, please send an email to with a screenshot of your donation, your handle, and your legal name.

  • Donate with PayPal

    Please direct donations to

    Thank you so much!

    P.S. To receive a receipt for tax purposes, please send an email to with a screenshot of your donation, the email used for your donation, and your legal name.

  • Donate with Stripe

    Donate using the QR code or clicking the button below.

    Thank you so much!

    P.S. To receive a receipt for tax purposes, please send an email to with a screenshot of your donation, the email used for the donation, and your legal name.

  • Donate with Cash or Check

    Make checks payable to Bastrop Live Music Foundation

    Mail to:

    Bastrop Live Music Foundation

    110 Cactus Cove

    Paige, TX 78659

    Thank you so much!

    P.S. To receive a receipt for tax purposes, please include a receipt request with your check if mailed. Or, send an email to with the name and number associated with your check and your legal name if different.

Show your company’s support of the Bastrop music community with our Corporate Giving Program! We would be delighted to talk to you about a donation, sponsorship of a concert, or ongoing support of our mission to make live music and music education accessible to residents of Bastrop County.